Learn New Skills for Your Insurance Career with These Online Classes

There is no lack of educational organizations offering a vast array of online courses and training in every conceivable area for people in the insurance industry looking to further their careers.
1. The Institutes
One prominent group is The Institutes, an organization that provides support, resources, and research to help those in risk management and insurance better do their jobs. Its online business insurance courses are among the best. They offer CPCU certificates, professional development programs, online courses, and other continuing education.
The courses are geared toward a person’s specialty and degree of experience. More than 250,000 people around the world have earned designations through The Institutes. The courses cover a range of different areas – risk management, underwriting claims, customer service, and information technology.
For example, in risk management, you can earn a designation as an Associate in Risk Management, as a Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter, or as an Associate in Insurance Data Analytics. The Institutes also offers courses on specific topics, such as Emerging Technologies and Risk, Applying Cyber Risk Management Strategies, and Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance.
2. Academy of Insurance
Another group is the Academy of Insurance, which also offers more than 200 online courses. They are taught by more than 50 experts in the insurance industry. The courses cover everything from agency management, to property and casualty, general liability, and risk management.
Some examples of courses include Agency Best Practices, Managing Workers’ Compensation Injuries, Are Water Damage Claims Drowning Your Profits?, and Commercial Property Claims That Cause Problems.
The International, Risk Management Institute, offers training for claims adjusters in how to spot fraudulent claims and the legal issues involved with offering policies.
3. Life Insurance
The National Online Insurance School prepares people for the licensing exam needed to sell life insurance. Kaplan Financial offers prelicensing courses that are adapted to the laws of each particular state.
4. General Insurance
The Insurance Institute has a comprehensive program offered in two courses that cover both property and casualty. ExamFX also offers general insurance courses that feature practice tests.
5. Insurance Claims
The U.S. Career Institute offers a four-month online program for people who are interested in becoming claims adjusters. FEMA, the government agency that handles natural disasters, also offers online classes and webinars about how the insurance industry works when hundreds of claims are filed simultaneously.
6. Auto Insurance
Infinity Schools offers online courses that help people to acquire their licenses to sell auto insurance. CPMI offers in-depth online courses covering the auto industry and what you need to do to get your auto insurance license.
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