Boreout: What It Is and How To Fight It

Boreout is a name that describes the state people are in when they are bored with their job, when it feels like everything they do is just the same thing over and over again. It’s a problem affecting more people in the workplace. Symptoms of boreout include a lack of motivation and feelings of anxiety and sadness.
Boreout is not the same as burnout, but it can lead to burnout if not dealt with. Burnout is defined more precisely as a condition of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused mostly by a lot of stress at work. As one psychologist described it, with boreout, you get stuck in your comfort zone until you are no longer growing professionally. With burnout, you get stuck for too long in an effort zone and eventually become exhausted.
According to one survey, about 43 percent of employees said they were bored at work, and millennials appear to be twice as bored as other workers.
The good news is that you don’t have to find a new job to escape boreout. Here are a few tips on how to avoid it.
1. Find the cause
First, determine exactly what it is that is boring you at your job and think about what new kinds of duties or responsibilities would seem more interesting to you.
2. Meet with your supervisor
Get together with your supervisor and talk with them about new responsibilities that you might be able to take on. Meet with a career counselor and work with them to develop ideas on how to change your current situation.
3. Network
Make an effort to get to know more people both inside and outside your company. Talk with them about what they find interesting in their jobs and how they combat boredom.
4. Volunteer
Volunteer for projects inside your company and also in your community. Devoting time to the community and working to help others can also help to give you a new sense of engagement and purpose.
5. Work with a mentor or a coach
They can give you help and advice on overcoming boredom on the job and to help with your job growth and development.
6. Job shadowing
Shadow a person who works in a completely different department in your company so that you can learn about what they do. This might give you an entirely new perspective on your own job.
7. Fellowships
Some companies offer short-term fellowship programs lasting a few months. These programs often take place in other parts of the country or abroad. Apply for one of these fellowships.
Fight Boreout with Insurance Relief
If you are an insurance professional, you need to connect with a staffing expert who understands your skills, background, and needs. With vast experience in the insurance arena, Insurance Relief works with brokers, carriers, and third-party administrators to locate and place the best people for positions ranging from entry-level to senior management. We invest the time to truly understand what you want to accomplish and then do our best to find meaningful opportunities. Give Insurance Relief a call today.